Well-Known Hollywood Producer Leaves Legacy to Government Accountability Project

On June 26, 2020, popular longtime Hollywood producer Stuart Cornfeld sadly lost his struggle with cancer. He left a significant mark on Hollywood with a score of films that ranged from horror to comedy. His most successful creations were comedies that he produced in close collaboration with actor Ben Stiller, including Zoolander, Starsky & Hutch, Dodgeball, Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny, Blades of Glory and Tropic Thunder.

Upon Mr. Cornfeld’s death, there was tremendous outpouring of grief and tender testimonies to his humor, generosity and creativity. As his closest collaborator, Ben Stiller expressed on Twitter, “A really great person left the planet today. Stuart Cornfeld was as funny, smart, talented & cool as a person gets. He was my friend, producing partner, and creative confidant. He knew movies, made movies and loved movies. World=less better without him. IMDB him. He was the best.”

Government Accountability Project has keenly felt Mr. Cornfeld’s generosity as well. With his estate, he left a legacy gift to Government Accountability Project of $87,000. In keeping with its commitment to all those who provide estate gifts, Government Accountability Project has placed the Cornfeld contribution into its Legacy Fund.

Each year, 10% of the assets in the Legacy Fund are committed to cases and programs in advance of its mission. The remaining funds are invested so that they will accrue in value. In this way, it is expected that each estate gift should continue to provide support for an estimated 13 to 14 years, if not longer. Those who choose to include Government Accountability Project in their estate planning process are, therefore, assured that their gifts will extend many years into the future.

In remarking on Mr. Cornfeld’s gift to the organization, Government Accountability Project’s executive director and CEO said, “We are grateful that such a creative, popular and progressive filmmaker decided to embrace our mission of ensuring corporate and government accountability through representing whistleblowers and other witnesses to wrongdoing and seeing that their verified concerns are addressed. I first met Mr. Cornfeld at a Hollywood premiere several years ago and am extraordinarily proud that he then much later chose us to bestow this gift.”

You, too, can leave a legacy dedicated to truth and responsibility by including the Government Accountability Project in your estate plans. Contact Michael Termini at (202) 926-3321 or michaelt@whistleblower.org to discuss your giving options.