The Golden Anniversary of Government Accountability Project

In just three short years, Government Accountability Project will celebrate its Golden Anniversary representing 50 years of transformative advocacy. We have served as a lifeline to employees of conscience, helping them to safely and effectively release critical information that serves the common good.

We have become the world’s most prominent whistleblower support organization and have changed the culture so that now, according to a national Marist poll, 86% of all voters support strong protections for them.

We have perfected a whistleblower methodology that allows us to advance government accountability and corporate responsibility. This unique methodology combines robust legal representation with proactive strategic campaigns to set a narrative that influences key decision-makers on critical issues, such as democracy expansion, food safety, banking integrity, nuclear weapons cleanup, nuclear power quality assurance, national security safeguards and environmental protection.

As lawyers, investigators, and public interest advocates we know how to bring about positive change. Once we demonstrate our determination to defend our clients and create significant change with the information that whistleblowers share, additional whistleblowers frequently come forward because we have addressed the two primary reasons employees stay silent: fear of reprisal and fear of futility that speaking up won’t make any difference.

Because members of Congress have depended on whistleblowers in carrying out the Congressional mandate to oversee the Executive Branch, they have historically worked with us in a bipartisan fashion to craft over three dozen federal laws that now cover every federal employee and most corporate employees as well.

Every person who has contributed to our work has helped us create this remarkable legacy of progressive change.