'Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Liberty'

Dear Friend,

As this extraordinary year comes to an end, I am reminded of the quote, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

Often attributed to Thomas Jefferson (wrongly, many believe), one of the most famous uses of this phrase came from a speech made by Wendell Phillips, an American Abolitionist and liberal activist, to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society in 1852.

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few," he said. "Only by continued oversight can the democrat in office be prevented from hardening into a despot; only by unintermitted agitation can a people be sufficiently awake to principle not to let liberty be smothered in material prosperity."

From the very beginning of our republic, democracy needed accountability to thrive or it risked being overtaken by those with selfish interests. It is not cynicism but in fact, patriotism that calls on us to demand transparency to ensure that the public good is being served.

This is why Government Accountability Project exists. And, as we mark our 40th anniversary, it is important to me that you know how incredibly grateful we are for the support you have provided.

We could not do the work we do without you. Your contributions have provided the resources we needed to protect and defend the rights of people of conscience to release information that is critical to that all-important public good.

Today, as you consider which organizations are deserving of your year-end support, I hope Government Accountability Project will be high on your list because accountability — in institutions of government and private industry — have never been needed more.

I make this request not in a state of panic but from a place of genuine hope. There is no doubt that we are living in an era in which we are forced to confront a near daily flagrant and deliberate disregard for the truth; censorship of information; stunning breaches of ethics and norms; and political appointees who abuse the public trust.

But cutting through chaos, uncovering the truth and championing reform are what we do. Our very existence lets those who have witnessed corruption and illegalities know that not only will we protect them when they come forward to disclose evidence of wrongdoing that those in power strive to keep hidden, but we will also help reform the system or situation that allowed the abuse of power.

And, thanks to the support of concerned citizens like you, we have a track record of success that goes back four decades. Working with the media, public interest allies and public officials, Government Accountability Project and our whistleblower clients have had an enormous impact. The information our cases have brought to light have resulted in:

  • The cancellation of three nuclear power plants under construction;
  • Pulling the plug on schemes to turn meat and poultry production quality control over to corporate food processors and slaughter houses;
  • The end or sharp curtailment in the manufacturing and marketing of several unsafe but widely used drugs, most notably Vioxx and Avandia;
  • The exposure of rampant mortgage and securities fraud at Citibank, Deutsche Bank, Bank of America and Countrywide Financial;
  • The exposure of White House efforts to edit climate science reports summarizing the results of billions of federal research dollars to make it seem like climate change was either not happening or was not caused by human activity; and
  • The exposure of warrantless and illegal wiretapping and surveillance by national security agencies during the George W. Bush Administration and the expansion of that activity during the Obama Administration.

Whether we are standing up to a White House or to Wall Street or other powerful institutions, I am proud that Government Accountability Project does what is needed to help whistleblowers protect our food, our health, our environment, our financial integrity, our civil liberties, our security and our tax dollars.

Today I have no doubt that, with your help, Government Accountability Project is more than ready to meet the very serious and looming challenges we now face as a nation.

I believe we are at a critical juncture in our country — the atmosphere of secrecy and unchecked self-interest within our government is unprecedented. Yet we cannot and will not be helpless bystanders. As members of Government Accountability Project, we must all maintain the vigilance required to hold power accountable and protect our democracy.

After 40 years of working with whistleblowers I can tell you that one of the greatest obstacles they face when deciding whether or not to come forward is "the fear of futility." They wonder if telling the truth will really make a difference.

When you make your year-end contribution to Government Accountability Project, you are letting them know they will make a difference. The very act of your support sends employees of conscience a message that not only will Government Accountability Project help protect them against reprisals, harassment and legal charges, but we will also help make sure their revelations result in systemic reforms that protect the public good.

That, my friend, is why your year-end contribution to Government Accountability Project is so vital. Thank you for all you do to ensure the truth is told and then known.

Michael Termini

P.S. I hope I can count on you to make a special contribution in support of Government Accountability Project's 40th Anniversary. Now more than ever, you can make a profound, positive difference in individual whistleblowers' lives and in the health of our democracy all at the same time. To learn more about the ways you can make a difference, please contact Michael Termini at (202) 926-3321 or michaelt@whistleblower.org. Thank you.